Binary search & linear search with different runtime engines with different array sizes
I am very impressed by the V8 performance. Note that all the test are performed in a “cold start” environment (Chrome will be even faster when it’s pre-warmed). Nginx JS module timing does not include VM creation time, it’s simply how long it takes for Javascript includes to return. 3 arrays are all sorted for…
Android captive
adb shell “settings put global captive_portal_http_url http://captive.v2ex.co/generate_204”; adb shell “settings put global captive_portal_https_url https://captive.v2ex.co/generate_204”; adb shell “settings put global captive_portal_fallback_url https://www.google.cn/generate_204”; adb shell “settings put global captive_portal_other_fallback_urls https://www.qualcomm.cn/generate_204”;
92URL Update
This is a bug-fix release: Improved Regex. Next upgrade will migrate to PHP7.x Also, I’ve noticed some are abusing this website via web interface or even an API with valid key. Please stop abusing the resources or countermeasure will be taken, wich will make inconvenience for all.